Second Chance?

Victor Carr
2 min readApr 13, 2021

We’ve all had the experience of reflecting on our lives and identifying moments of choice where we wish we had chosen differently. Made that investment, or stayed away from it. Stuck with that relationship, or got out of it sooner. Taken that trip, called that person back, taken that class, told the truth, kept our silence, not taken that drink. In particularly life-changing decisions, you may have wished, or even prayed for the opportunity to live that part of your life over, and have the opportunity to choose again, armed with the wisdom of hindsight.

Of course, reason and logic tells us this is impossible. What’s done is done. It can’t be re-done. Or can it?

Imagine, for a moment, yourself in the future — say, five or ten years from now, and you are sitting in this very same moment of reflection. What will you be wishing you’d done differently? And lets say your prayer was answered: you’ve been given the opportunity to live this moment of your life over again. What would you now choose, instead of what you are currently choosing?

So, here’s an intriguing experiment. Take on the idea that you are now living that second chance. Hold this thought as you make choices, and not just the big ones. Doing this brings your focus fully into the present, and shifts you out of auto-pilot thinking and acting. You might say “but, I don’t remember the future I want to change.” While it’s true you may not be able to “see” that future, one thing is certainly predictable: repeating your current thoughts, choices and actions will create the same results you are experiencing now, in the future.

To quote Transformational Success Coach Keiya Rayne, “you create your future in the present,” and this is precisely the golden opportunity you have now, in this now moment.



Victor Carr

Victor Carr is a writer and creator of Speak Yourself Into Being Presentations Coaching where he prepares TEDx and other speakers for the professional stage .